Are you a woman struggling in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic?

EFT tapping may be the answer…

Lynn Hoyland EFT Coach working with women in relationships with an addict or alcoholic

My name is Lynn Hoyland and I am an accredited, certified EFT practitioner. In my coaching practice, I use clinical EFT focusing on helping to guide and support women who are in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic. More specifically, my coaching practice aims to help women who have decided to stay in the relationship and help them manage their stress around the different, and difficult challenges they experience.

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Being in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic can be incredibly difficult.

By all means, if you are a woman in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic, you know that the stress can sometimes be unbearable. You never know what to expect. Life can be calm one minute and chaotic the next.

EFT for women who have decided to stay in their relationship

EFT is considered a remarkable innovative energy-oriented coaching and self-help tool that can reduce stress and clears blocked energy. If you are a woman in a relationship with an addict or an alcoholic, EFT may help. Research studies have demonstrated that EFT can transform negative thoughts, emotions and limiting beliefs while calming the body. Not only that, but research studies have shown that EFT can calm the brain by lowering cortisol, which is a stress hormone.

Indeed, if you have come to my site, most likely you have been experiencing a number of challenges in your relationship with an addict or alcoholic that may leave you feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Maybe you have tried programs such as Al Anon or Codependents Anonymous, yet feel you need something more.

Common Behaviors You May Have Experienced

Below are some common behaviors addicts and alcoholics engage in, that you may be dealing with. You may identify with one, or all of them.


  • Hiding drugs or alcohol in the house
  • Not coming home at night
  • Not showing up for work
  • Cheating/having affairs
  • Spending money on drugs and alcohol when bills haven’t been paid
  • Blaming you for their problems
  • Lying

I would love to hear from you! I offer a free 20-minute consultation in order to answer any questions you might have. We can then determine if EFT tapping is something you would be interested in and to mutually decide if my coaching services are a good fit for you. You can schedule that here by clicking the yellow button below.

Disclosure While Lynn Hoyland is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in the state of Arizona, she only offers her coaching services on this website as an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner. Therefore, her coaching services are separate from and not part of her psychotherapy practice and they are not licensed by the state of Arizona. Lynn Hoyland will not advise, diagnose, treat, or manage mental health disorders. Further, you understand that while she is a LMFT, it does not suggest or imply that she is more qualified than any other practitioner providing similar EFT Tapping coaching services. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information

EFT can help to reduce stress in a codependent relationship

For the most part, stress is inevitable if you are a woman in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic.

Living with or being in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic can be incredibly difficult. You don’t know whether to stay or go. Consequently, exiting the relationship can sometimes feel more painful than staying in it. If you decide to stay, then it is critical to find ways to manage the stress you feel.

Codependency can be an addiction

Addiction is a disease of the brain that alters the thinking and behavior of the addict/alcoholic in deep, profound ways. That is to say, addicts are driven not only by a psychological need, but by a profound physiological need to continue using despite negative consequences. Similarly, codependency can alter the thinking and behavior of the person who is in a relationship with the addict or alcoholic.

In short, relationships are often one of the first components of an addict’s life that are destroyed.

Challenges in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic

Certainly, addicts and alcoholics can be manipulative and deceptive because this is how they continue to fuel their addiction. Unfortunately, the addiction begins to mask who they really are as a person…the person you once knew them to be. In AA they refer to it as “Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde“.

The alcoholic/addict is like a tornado roaring their way through people’s lives…sweet relationships are dead…”

The codependent relationship “I can fix him”


Codependent Relationships

Oftentimes, women will sometimes stay in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic believing if they love them enough, they can somehow fix them or cure them, but this isn’t the case. This codependency only leads to frustration and heartache. If you are a woman in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic, there is hope. Most importantly, EFT can’t change your partner or cure the addiction. However, while it is not possible to provide any guarantees, it can give you the tools to cope with the “tornado” roaring through your life.


Addiction is an illness

Addiction actually changes the way the brain works.

As long as someone is in the midst of their addiction and not receiving help, a relationship with an addict or alcoholic can be incredibly chaotic. For instance, an addict or alcoholic will sometimes do anything to keep using including lying, cheating, and stealing. Therefore, addicts may engage in risky or illegal behaviors, which ultimately impacts their partner.

Addiction Alters the Brain

Without a doubt, continuous drug use alters the pleasure pathways in the brain, telling the brain that it must compulsively seek out more of the drug. Over time, the brain’s ability to feel pleasure from other sources minimizes, and its only outlet is the use of drugs. Willpower alone is not enough. The brain has effectively been rewired.

To clarify, if you are a woman in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic, you may be wondering why your partner chooses drug abuse over being with you or over a healthy, happy relationship, this is why. Remember: drug addiction is a compulsive disease marked by relapse. This explains why addicts/alcoholics struggle to have control over their actions.

So Why Choose EFT?


EFT is considered a remarkable technique that can help you cope with the emotions that you are experiencing. The premise of EFT is that the source of all challenging, stressful, and negative emotions and limiting beliefs is a disruption in the body’s energy system. It is believed that EFT helps clear these disruptions using Acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on the face and upper body. Moreover, tapping on these points can help to calm the “freeze, flight, fight” response. Above all, it is considered a valuable stress management technique that has been shown to reduce stress and anxious feelings. In fact, it is used by thousands of people around the world in both alternative and traditional settings.


If you are a woman in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic, EFT Tapping Can Reduce Your Stress and Much More!


Unquestionably, being in a codependent relationship with an addict or alcoholic, takes a toll on your body and mind. As a result, it can lead to:

  • Stress and Worry
  • Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Sleep Problems
  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Weight Gain

More importantly, tapping has been shown to:

  • Reduce Stress
  • Reduce anxious feelings.
  • Improve Sleep
  • Increase Productivity
  • Lower Cortisol in the brain (which is a stress hormone)



In addition to the above benefits, tapping has also been shown to help regulate the nervous system. That is to say, when you reduce your stress, your immune system will thank you!



Check out this exciting video on the “Science of Tapping”!! For more information please visit The Science of Tapping – Your Online Resource Hub for Tapping Science


To learn more about tapping please see my EFT page  EFT – EFT Tapping with Lynn


I would love to hear from you! I offer a free 20-minute consultation in order to answer any questions you might have. This is a time to determine if EFT tapping is something you would be interested in. At that time we can mutually decide if my coaching services are a good fit for you. You can schedule that here by clicking the yellow button below.

Lynn Hoyland EFT Tapping Coach

Phoenix, AZ


Disclosure While Lynn Hoyland is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in the state of Arizona, she only offers her coaching servides on this website as an Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner. Therefore, her coaching services are separate from and not part of her psychotherapy practice and they are not licensed by the state of Arizona. Lynn Hoyland will not advise, diagnose, treat, or manage mental health disorders. Further, you understand that while she is a LMFT, it does not suggest or imply that she is more qualified than any other practitioner providing simiilar EFT Tapping coaching services. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information